B group vitamins - vitamin B
. is configured vitamin B12 by the microscopic flora found in the rumen, which digests plant feeds, including cobalt, to produce vitamin B12 who benefits from the animal later.
loss vitamin B12 causes a number of pathological symptoms, which are:
Loss of appetite
Poor growth in growing sheep
Weight loss in large sheep
Lethargy, laziness, and general weakness
Watery tears from the eyes
The appearance of crusts on the ears
These problems and sick symptoms occur despite the availability of feed for them, and we always hear from the educators a saying (I am not short on them in feed). Despite this, these pathological symptoms occur, which are due to a lack of vitamin B12.
If there is a shortage of cobalt in green fodder, then the production will decrease vitamin B12 in the rumen and the pathological symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear on animals later.
Young sheep who are in the developing stage are most affected by the deficiency vitamin B12 because they need a sufficient amount of food to provide them with energy and growth. A deficiency leads to a deterioration in their growth and symptoms appear quickly in the form of rapid wasting and lack of growth, and their liver is enlarged and scales appear on the ear. When the dead animals are dissected, the liver is enlarged and appears pale It tends to whitish and is often seen in sheep that are in the process of growth and whose ages range from two to six months.
In adults, the effect is on weight and hair, so you see that the animal loses weight and the hair is affected, so it breaks and does not grow normally.